"A Romantic Story Of Love"

This is the fourth date with your new boyfriend,
Mike, and he's taking you on a dream date to
Golly! Riverview! All those rides and cotton candy
too! You hope he'll hold your hand while you're
strolling down the midway. That'll be so
You spend a long time looking through your
closet to pick out just the right attire for this
date. What should you wear? Well, you decide to
go casual. Suddenly, you feel really daring: no
nylons--or that uncomfortable girdle that goes
with them. The thought makes you feel a little
nervous, maybe a little risqué, but gee, this is
Riverview, a place for picnics, games, rides--and
You peruse the skirts. What about your cute
poodle skirt with saddle shoes? No...a little too
long and bulky.
Then another one catches your
eye. Reaching in for the
hanger, you think, yeah, this'll
do: a nice plaid skirt with a
hem line just below the knees.
Your short-sleeve pullover
sweater will go nicely with this
skirt. Bobby socks and penny
loafers add the finishing
Your date picks you up early in
the evening, well before dark.
He wants to arrive at
Riverview while it's still light
so you can see the park both
before and after dark when all
the lights come on outlining the rides.
"You look very cute today, Karen," he says as he
walks you to the passenger side of his car.
Smiling brightly, you thank him. He opens the car
door for you, then hurries around and gets in
himself. He's obviously in a hurry to get there,
and you can understand his excitement. You can't
wait to get there yourself. You haven't been to
Riverview since you were in grade school,
certainly never on a date. What an exciting place
for a date!
As he pulls away from the curb, you stay
discretely on your own side of the car. After all,
this is only your fourth date with him, and you
don't want him to think you're too forward.
Driving east on Addison, he turns left onto
"The main entrance is on Western Avenue, you
know. I wanted you to see the main gate. It's
really a sight to behold."
You reach over and touch his arm, but just for a
moment. With excitement in your voice, you say,
"I can't wait. I can't really remember what it
looks like, it's been so many years since I've
been here. Do you come here often?"
"Oh, yeah, several times a year. I love it."
You wonder briefly how many times he's brought
a girl to Riverview on a date. Oh, well. Of course
he's dated before. You've only known him for a
He parks the car in one of the Riverview parking
lots on the east side of Western Avenue. As you
cross the street heading for the main gate, he
takes your hand in his. Your heart flutters; it feels
so romantic.
The gate is absolutely spectacular. It must be 25
or 30 feet wide. There are two large red domes on
either corner and a smaller dome in the middle of
the archway. Mike pays the entrance fee and the
two of you walk in, still hand-in-hand. It doesn't
cost too much to get into the park, because every
ride has its own booth where you pay to get on.
The first roller coaster you see is the Silver
"If it's been a while since you've been here,
maybe we should start out on the Silver Streak,"
he suggests. "It's not quite so fast, and it's
You gaze up to the top of the first hill, and
suddenly you feel an odd sensation in your
stomach. It looks incredibly high, but you have no
time to answer. Mike is already in line to buy the
You stand in line for five or ten minutes, giving
you plenty of time to worry. Finally, you're
standing on the platform, waiting for the next
train to pull in. It does, empties out, and then the
gate is opened for you to walk to the train. Mike
grabs your hand again and practically pulls you
to the front seat.
You get in first and slide over on the seat. Then
he gets in, and the attendant snaps down the bar
that holds you in. It's scary. Whether Mike thinks
you're forward or not, you scoot over closer to
him, hoping he'll put his arm around you.
He takes the hint. He does!
The long, straight incline as the train is pulled up
by the chain is scarier than you thought it would
be. And this first hill is even higher than it looked
from below. Your heart starts beating faster, but
it's not from romantic feelings.
Finally, when you think you must be a thousand
feet in the air, the train slowly goes over the crest
as it leaves the chain and is on its own. The
speed it gains going down that first hill takes your
breath away. At the bottom of the hill, the train
whips around a sharp turn and heads back up the
next hill.
The ride continues...up...down...right...left...
All the while your handsome date is holding you
tightly around the shoulder. You let out a few
screams as the trains careens along its
exhilarating course.
But then it's over. You're pulling into the stop,
and a new set of young lovers is waiting to
board. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.
Walking down the sloped platform to the midway,
you put your arm through his.
"Boy, that was really great! You say that was a
slow ride?"
"Wait till we get to the Bobs, the fastest roller
coaster in the world."
"I don't know..." suddenly you feel your new-
found nerve slipping away. "I might not be up to
He laughs. "You'll be up to it, don't worry."
As you walk down the midway, he buys you some
cotton candy. Then you spot the Tunnel of Love.
Now you feel mixed emotions of different sort.
The Tunnel of Love is not a scary ride because of
height or speed. But have you really been dating
him long enough to go in the Tunnel of Love with
him? Would he try anything fresh? Maybe try to
kiss you? Do you want him to?
Well, before you can make up your mind about
any of these dilemmas, he puts his hand on your
shoulder and turns you to face the entrance to
the ride.
"Hey, Karen, how about the Tunnel of Love?"
You feel your face flush just a little, but then you
turn to him with what you hope doesn't look like
an embarrassed smile. "Yeah, I'd like that."
The ride consists of a boat with several rows of
seats, and it travels around a circuitous course,
which includes, of course, the dark "tunnel of
As the boat starts its romantic journey, your heart
starts beating again, but not because some chain
is dragging your roller coaster into the
stratosphere. You're scared, but in a different
way. The question floods your mind again. What
if he tries to kiss you? Well, what if he does!
Didn't the two of you kiss goodnight on your last
date? That was the first time he kissed you, and
you liked it! So what if it is getting fresh with you
in a dark tunnel? Why not let him do it again?
You won't let him go any farther, but what could
be more romantic than being kissed in the Tunnel
of Love?
You look up, and there it is: the entrance to the
tunnel. Darkness lies behind the opening. Then
another thought hits you. What if he doesn't try
to kiss you?
But before you can answer that question, you're
suddenly surrounded by darkness. Then you feel
it. His arm slowly wraps around you and turns
you slightly toward him. Suddenly you have
second thoughts. Should you resist? Should you
tell him no? But you want to be drawn into his
arms. You're not quite sure how in this darkness,
but somehow his lips find yours, and he kisses
you, a warm and tender kiss that says he really
likes you. When your lips part, you put your arm
around his waist and lay your head on his
The kiss was heavenly, but he doesn't try
anything more. You're greatful because you don't
want anything to spoil that kiss. You'll dream
about it tonight.
All too soon the ride is over.
You walk a little farther and suddenly see the
towering image of Aladdin on the famous
Aladdin's Castle.
"Ooooo, let's go through Aladdin's Castle," you
He turns and looks into your eyes, as an odd
smile develops on his face.
"You want to go into Aladdin's Castle? You're
"Yeah, of course. Why not?"
"Okay, let's go. I'm game if you are."
He buys the tickets and the two of you hurry in.
At that moment, there are no people waiting in
line to enter, so you get right in.
In Aladdin's Castle, you follow a long walkway
that winds through the castle on several different
levels. It goes through many curious rooms.
Some have mirrors that distort your reflection
into gross caricatures of your figure. Other rooms
have floors that twist and turn under you, almost
making you fall over. Gruesome monsters pop out
of closets to scare you.
But unless you're familiar with the castle and all
of its tricks, the worst is yet to come. Many a girl
has been the victim of Aladdin's devious nature.
The path you follow through the castle takes you
outside several times. One such time brings you
out right in front of the castle on the second level,
visible to everyone waiting in line or passing by.
One of the operators is sitting secretly at this
passageway. As an unsuspecting girl walks over a
grid she hardly notices in the walkway...
But you're not thinking about grids or attendants
at all. The walkway is narrow as it leads you
outside, and the two of you walk single file with
you in the lead. You see a park attendant sitting
nearby and for a brief moment wonder why.
But then suddenly you feel a strong gush of air
from the grid you're standing on, and your skirt is
billowing up around your waist for everyone to
see, including your boyfriend!
You're mortified, and your face turns beat-red.
You quickly step off the grid and back into the
castle as you push your skirt down. Then you
turn around and look at your date. He's smiling
mischievously. You realize he must have known
what was going to happen and was probably
looking forward to seeing your...skirt blow up.
How typical of a male!
You're angry.
"Michael! You knew that was going to happen,
didn't you? And you didn't warn me!"
"Gee, Karen, that's what's fun about Aladdin's
Castle. It's been going on for decades. I was
hoping you wouldn't remember."
"Yeah, I bet you were," you say with anger still in
your voice and feeling very embarrassed.
But then he puts his arm around you and gives
you a hug. As much as you want to be angry with
him, the anger seems to drain away as he takes
your hand again and you finish the walk through
the notorious Aladdin's Castle.
As you continue walking along the midway, you
reflect on your humiliating experience. Your skirt
all the way up to your waist! Yeah, how typical
for a guy to get a thrill out of seeing that!
But...maybe that's just it--"typical." Guys are
guys. They're wired that way and so girls have to
be careful. You smile knowingly to yourself at the
thought. He is a gentleman in many ways. He's
never really tried to get fresh with you on any of
your dates so far. Let him enjoy his little thrill.
He's still holding your hand, and you squeeze his
a little tighter, hoping to let him know
everything's all right.
You look up at the rides just coming into view,
and there it is, looming ominously before you.
The Bobs.
The most notorious roller coaster in the world.
You've never been on it.
He drops your hand and points. "Here it is, Karen!
I can't wait to get you on that."
You look at him suspiciously. "What do you
mean, you can't wait? What's going to happen to
me on the Bobs? More nasty tricks to play on a
sweet, innocent, unsuspecting girl?" You really
play it up.
"No, no, nothing like that." He points to a train as
it whips around one of the lower curves near
where you're standing. "You'll notice it's wide
open, high, and fast. I might have to hold you
pretty tight to keep you from flying out."
He has a childish grin on his face, and you feel
your own face flush again, but that image he just
painted is not altogether unappealing. But wow,
what a strange mixture of emotions! Excitement
over being held tight, but mixed with plain, old-
fashioned fear of that really scary-looking ride.
But he seems to give you no choice. He takes
your hand again and drags you toward the ticket
You look up again at the train careening through
space at break-neck speeds.
"I don't know about this..."
His ear is deaf to your pleas. Images you only
half see flash by in rapid sequence, and the next
thing you know for sure is that you're sitting in
the front seat of the famous Bobs as that bar
snaps into place with frightful finality. There is
nothing around you but open space.
The train starts to move.
Golly, it goes fast just getting to the chain!
The chain catches the roller coaster, and you
begin going up...and up...and up...slowly...ever
The ground seems awfully far below you and is
moving farther away by the second. You decide
not to look at it. You look up to the top of this
first, incredibly high hill. At its summit, where the
chain will leave the train, there is a sign: "Do not
stand up"! Your heart is pounding.
Your date puts him arm around your shoulder,
squeezes it, and pulls you tight up against him.
As you pass under that terrible sign at the crest
of the hill, you try to look at the tracks heading
downhill. Good grief! You can't even see them!
How steep must this downgrade be?
The train suddenly starts to pick up speed at an
alarming rate.
That's it. You close your eyes and start
screaming, just like all the other girls on the train.
You reach the bottom of the hill, and you think
you must be going 100 mph. Then the train flies
up the next hill. Many roller coasters have a
braking device in the middle of the tracks just
before going into a curve to slow the train
Not the Bobs.
At the top of the second hill, you're whipped
violently toward the outside of the curve as the
train turns left. You feel Mike's arm gripping and
pulling you back toward him.
Would you have flown out if he were not holding
onto you?
But while you're thinking about that, the train flies
over the crest of another hill. This time you feel
yourself rise up off the seat, and your legs hit the
bar extending across your lap. But you feel his
hand still on your shoulder, and suddenly you're
smashed back down onto your derriere.
The ride continues with unrelenting violence.
Curve after curve, hill after hill. Does this ride ever
come to an end?
Finally the train comes to a stop.
You open your eyes and pick your head up off of
his shoulder. How did it get there?
You're out of breath as you step out of the train.
"Do you want to ride again?" he asks?
You feel a strange urge to be really close to him.
You grab his arm and lean against him as you
walk down the ramp.
"No, no, please, not again!"
He laughs, but then he does something very
sweet. He runs his hand up your neck and into
your hair. Nothing more. Just that. Your skin
tingles a little under his touch.
"Okay, Karen, no more Bobs. I think there's a ride
coming up more your style. But first, how about a
hot dog?"
"Yeah, I could use something to eat right now--
after that harrowing experience you just put me
through." The Bobs, however, did have its
benefits, and you're smiling as you say this. He
turns toward a concession stand, and you locate
a little table in a pretty setting.
Mike brings two hot dogs but only one large
Coke. It has two straws in it. How romantic! You
look up at him, and his eyes are sparkling. He sits
down close to you.
"I've always wanted to try this," he says, as he
positions the drink between you. You can detect
the excitement in his voice.
"Come on now," you say, giving him a sketical
smile. "You want me to believe you've never done
this on a date before?"
"Scout's honor! I've seen other couples do it, but
I never have. I've been thinking about it ever
since we got here. I wanted to try it with you,
You feel all warm inside as the two of you bend
down to the straws. Your faces are very close,
and you find it truly romantic.
While you're sitting there at the table, he reaches
out his hand tentatively toward yours. Then with
just one finger, he tenderly caresses the top of
your hand.
Now it's your turn to get a thrill. How surprising
that such a little thing can be so emotionally
After a few seconds, you turn your hand upright
and take his. For a few moments, the two of you
look into each other's eyes while holding hands.
Once back on the midway, you see the Shoot-
the-Chutes coming into view.
"Oh, yeah," you say with excitement in your voice.
I remember the Chutes from when I was here as a
little girl. My father took me on this."
Mike buys two tickets and holds your hand as
you wait to board one of the large boats.
Once on the boat, you snuggle up close to him as
it floats into the monster's mouth on its way to
the elevator. The elevator ride is straight up but
not nearly as scary as being dragged up by that
chain on a roller coaster.
At the top of the Chutes, you're not afraid to look
around, and you can see much of the park. But
then your attention is drawn to the water below
as the boat slowly tips downward.
The descent is very quick. You hit the water with
a mighty splash, and suddenly your hair and
sweater are all wet!
As you're walking back along the midway, you're
thinking that your hair must be quite a sight. You
look down the front of your sweater.
"Boy, this really got wet. I must have been in just
the right place."
Your date gives you a impish smile as he draws
out his handkerchief.
"Maybe I can dry it for you."
You look up at him with a knowing scowl.
"That's quite all right, Michael. It'll dry on it's
It's dark now, and Riverview is aglow with
thousands and thousands of lights outlining all
the rides. What a magnificent sight!
You next ride the gigantic Ferris wheel. Naturally,
one of its stops place you right at the top of the
wheel. You look out at the lights of Riverview.
You can see most of the park and even the lights
of the City beyond. Like "A Thousand Stars in the
Mike tries to show off a little and starts rocking
the seat.
"No, Mike, please. This scares me."
He stops and puts his arm around you. You lean
toward him and bury your head in his chest until
the rocking stops, feeling warm and protected.
After leaving the Ferris wheel, you walk hand-in-
hand for a while. He buys you more cotton candy.
But no sooner do you finish eating it than another
roller coaster comes into view.
The Flying Turns.
"Say, here's a really great ride," he say excitedly
as he points to it.
"I don't know. Another scary roller coaster?"
"But this one isn't too scary, and it's really
unique. It's not that fast, and it's not that high.
What makes it great is it's design. There are no
tracks. The train follows sort of a tunnel without
a roof, and it swoops back and forth onto the
sides as it goes around the turns. You really can't
even see how high you are because of the
"Well...I guess so..." You're still not quite sure.
You've learned tonight that your new boyfriend
can be a little devious.
As you're standing on the platform waiting for the
others to climb out of the train, you notice
something. There are no seats. You look up at
your date, but he has his eyes fixed on that front
There's no opening on the side of the car. How
are you going to climb in and out? You'll have to
step over the side, then somehow sit down on the
floor. It's going to be a bit awkward with a skirt.
And there will be no more floor shows tonight!
You'll have to be very careful.
It's obvious that your date's been on this ride
many times before. He knows exactly what to do.
On the other roller coasters, he always helped you
in first, but this time he jumps right in and then
holds out his hand to help you. When you're both
in, he sits down.
There is something else highly suspicious about
this ride. You don't even sit next to each other.
Instead, you have to sit one in front of the other.
How is all this going to work? Has he tricked you
into something else embarrassing? Well, too late
He sits down first and spreads his legs into a V
shape. You carefully lower yourself down between
his legs and then while holding your skirt so it
doesn't ride up, you stretch your legs out in front
of you. But no V position for you! You keep your
legs tightly together. You reach out with both
hands and make sure your skirt is as far down as
it will go. It covers your knees. Yes, everything
seems to be okay. You look to the side and see
that his arms are resting on the sides of the car.
The train begins to move. It's a short distance
under the pull of the chain, at least compared
with the other roller coasters.
Since you're sitting on the floor of the car, as the
train picks up speed down the first hill, you slide
back against Mike. Suddenly with a smooth, and
apparently well-practiced maneuver, he weaves
his arms under yours and clasps his hands
together around your waist and lays them on your
The move startles you, and you feel him gently
pull you back against his chest.
You're confused. A new dilemma. Is this proper,
or is he getting fresh?
Then you realize a new danger. It's only a matter
of inches...
How many girls have been lured unsuspectingly
onto this ride? How many has he taken on this
But then the solution dawns on you. No doubt
many other girls have thought of it before you.
You reach down and place both of your hands
tenderly on his. This move has the advantage of
being a seemingly romantic response to him,
while at the same time, it can prevent his hands
from moving any higher up.
You smile contently at your cleverness as the ride
tosses you from side to side. He's holding you
tightly against his chest as the train whips
around the curves, climbing up one side of the
"tunnel" and then the other side.
A thought suddenly occurs to you. Oh, my gosh!
What if he wants to park before he takes me
home tonight? He's never tried that yet. Your
heart does a strange flip-flop. Well...maybe just
for a kiss or two. You've been going together now
for a month. A few visions of the two of you
together in a dark car flash through your mind.
When you exit the ride, you glance surreptitiously
to see what expression might be on Mike's face.
Was he upset that he wasn't able to try anything
No...he seems to be smiling very happily. He
takes your hand and caresses it gently as you
continue down the midway.
You make a decision. Once married, you will
return here with your new husband, and he'll be
able to get fresh with you to his heart's content...


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