Hai... Today i wisht to share my true love story
wid u my frnds,n i hope u will like my story,n ur
comments to my story will make me to feel happy
so plz all my story readers dont forget to send ur
comment because urzs each n every comments r
like precious blessings on my love.... Now i start
to share my story,I am not very good at eng so if
i did anything wrong then plz forgive me,It was
on oct 15th,when i was chating wid my fb frnds,i
saw the notification that "Today is .... B'day" (sry
i can't disclose my bf name)so i send him b'day
wishes actually i dont know who is he,just as a
fb frnd i send him my wish,next day on 16th when
i was chating wid other frnds,He send me
"Hai",infact this was the 1st msg i got from him,i
also replied to his msg from this msg our chating
started,We both were started to chat wid
eachother as a frnds but now we both chatting as
lover :) actually in the begining i dont had any
interest to chat wid him but later on his kind
nature n innoscence made me to chat wid me
very clously
Continue part of my last story.... On oct 22nd he
proposed me but i didnt accept his proposal,but
he never stop loving me infact he cut his hand,he
met wid an accident he loving me very madly....
After 6mnts i also decided to accept his love,on
march 2nd i told him "I love u too" that was my
most memorable day... Now our relation is going
good but the main proplem is my bf's childhood
frnd loving him but my bf dont have such flng on
her,he treating her as her frnd,my bf love her too
much as a frnd but she is loving him as a
lover,my bf is not ready to leave his frnd n also
me... Every day i am flng very disurbance because
of my bf's gal frnds n because of this reason we
both quarreling wid eachother everyday,i know my
lover never cheat me but in some corner of my
heart i am flng very fear abt him,n also abt his
frnds,i love my lover very much i cant live widout
him,i know he also loving me more than
himself...but the main stone in our love is my bf's
frnds..... Plz help me by ur comments


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