After so long struggling, love came back

Love story

It took me a while to really put into practice The
Secret. I wanted one thing in my life, Love. I
always felt like it was a struggle. The one thing I
couldnot have. In every part of my life I did so
well, except that one part. The man I fell in love
with was negative and always testing my faith in
The Secret, and it was always just so hard....and
I figured it out.those thoughts...everyone has it
except me: it's a struggle, he is
much as I would think I was changing my
thoughts, those thoughts were still coming out of
me. I finally had to let go and really have faith,
truly believe. Instead of thinking everyone else
has it but me, I thought I do have it, I deserve it,
he loves me and I know that and I have faith that
letting go of the struggle and making myself
happy is the key.
I went to his house and told him that I am letting
him go. He is struggling with the idea of us, and I
can't help him, I can only be responsible for my
own happiness, so I let him go. I told him not to
contact me and donot come back until you are
sure. Meanwhile, I only cried because I missed
him, not because I didn't have him.
I put my order into the Universe so I just believed
it would happen. I went on making myself happy,
enjoying a single life, knowing I wouldnot have it
much longer.
A few short days later he emailed me saying that
he truly missed me. This time, he was 100% with
me. He finally saw the good in me and discovered
on his own that he loved me the way I love him.
It's what he needed to do. I am so thankful and
happy. It's almost scary this power!! I shared The
Secret with my mother.
Ask, believe and simply trust that you are going
to get it. Don't put a time frame on it. Donot
keep asking because you already put in that
order. Just go on living like you already have it
and I promise it works!

Submited by user Charlotte, NC:
32 years old and finally learning to have faith.


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